Madonna and Child, by Franz Ittenbach art for sale

All purchases include a prayer intention for the person or persons of your choice.

The Madonna and Child painting shows the Blessed Virgin Mary holding her precious Divine Son. The scene is full of traditional Christian symbols. The flock of sheep in the background is the customary symbol for Christian faith and worship. Lilies, the flower of the Virgin Mary, signify purity, innocence and immortality. The red roses invoke Christ’s future martyrdom, and the figs are indicative of Christ’s passion.

The Madonna and Child image by Franz Ittenbach has been digitally improved which highlights the beautiful aspect of this art piece. This ensures a spectacular viewing in your home, office or religious location.

Franz Ittenbach (April 1813 – November 1879) was a German Nazarene painter. He is considered one of the leading religious painters of the 19th century. A devout Roman Catholic, he traveled throughout Germany, painting altarpieces and artworks intended for church decoration.



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